What I Wish For You

What I wish for you is this:

That you never feel the depths of the loneliness that you feel now.

Because the loneliness you feel sitting next to someone who no longer cares for you is infinitely more painful than the loneliness of being on your own, knowing you had the courage to do hard things. 

That when I see you again, the pain on your face has faded a bit and the conversation you have with me is one filled with hope instead of fear. 

That you don’t carry fear in your heart when you are in your home. 

That you have the capacity and freedom to love on those around you with your full, complete self. 

That you don’t have to pretend anymore. 

That you find the strength inside you to make really hard decisions. To walk through pain and fear to find more of life’s beauty waiting for you.

That you find someone who loves you for exactly who you are.

Someone who supports your dreams wholeheartedly.

Who cares deeply for your mental, emotional, and physical well being.

Someone who would never in their wildest dreams even imagine raising his voice or his fist at you.

Someone you never have to tiptoe around.

Someone whose arms you can sink into with complete and utter peace and trust. 

I hope you find someone who sees you.

Really, truly sees you. 

But even more than that. 

I hope you find your beautiful soul.

She’s there, but hidden. She’s staying safe, preserving her energy. I hope you find her and let her shine brightly. Let her shine so brightly that the people around you can’t help but feel her radiating warmth. 

You’ve got this, girl.