Leaving my Marriage Secretly

I’ll be honest, posting this video felt scary.

It’s actually the first video I ever made, but I’ve been sitting on it for almost a year, trying to work up the courage to hit “post.”

This is the first time I’ve really told my story, the secrets I kept while planning to leave my emotionally and verbally abusive marriage.

And as I tell my story, I share the ways that I prepared, including:

Consulted a Lawyer
Opened a Bank Account

Stashed Supplies

Found Housing

And more..

This is just a TINY part of my story, and it’s not meant to be a concrete guide for others, but I hope it provides encouragement and support if you find yourself in an unhealthy relationship.

–As always, if you’re in an unhealthy relationship, your SAFETY is the MOST important. Put your safety first, and be cautious if you plan to leave your relationship. See the resources below for more information! Some of what I did may not be safe for you. YOU know your situation best. Stay cautious.

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