Guest Poem: Ocean Reflections

You’ve probably stood in a place where you had to make a difficult decision. When you looked down two paths, needing to choose one.

But stepping onto the path your heart calls you to can feel impossible when the people around you are pulling you to the other path, telling you not to trust yourself.

Going through an abusive relationship caused me to question my sanity. To question my knowledge and my gut. It tore me down to a really broken place, and I wasn’t sure I could trust myself to fix what was wrong.

If you’ve been conditioned not to trust yourself, how can you make these scary decisions? How do you know what’s wrong and what’s right? It can feel like a very lonely place.

And it’s why I am excited to bring you a poem written by an amazing woman named Molly. Our paths crossed recently. And when I read her poem, I was instantly transported to those days when I struggled to step foot onto the path that I knew was best for my soul.

If you are currently struggling with a hard decision, I hope Molly’s poem reminds you that you are not alone.

I received Molly’s permission to publish her poem, and it is my privilege to share it with you today.

Ocean Reflections
By: Molly Radke

As I watch the ocean waves

The ever constant movement 

I contemplate my life 

And where the years have went 

The waves never stopping 

Like a heart beat of the sea

I experience a sense of gratitude 

For the same persistence inside of me

The biggest waves cause me to swim harder

So I don’t get pulled under

Such is the same in life with our struggles 

Is it then that our strength is revealed, I wonder?

The blue clear water, mixed with debris

Stretches for miles and miles

Memories of my long journey 

With all the tears, there still were smiles 

I breathe in and out the ocean air

A cleansing for my soul

Like the broken shells on the beach 

Can my pieces be made whole?

My footprints in the sand

A reminder of where I’ve been

Do I keep walking forward 

Or turn around again?

Am I a ship lost at sea

Desperately looking for direction?

A lighthouse or sign, to guide my way

Clarity with certainty, a change in my perception.

The sun is now setting

The wind brings a chill

Today's questions answered 

But tomorrow's unanswered still…….