Bricks Fall

and then the weight starts to fall away   one brick at a time the newfound peace you’re finally feeling your one true solid sign what seemed so hard so far away rests before your weary eyes a hint of light  a fleeting glimmer the hope begins to rise Why did this step seem so hard […]

Guest Poem: Ocean Reflections

You’ve probably stood in a place where you had to make a difficult decision. When you looked down two paths, needing to choose one. But stepping onto the path your heart calls you to can feel impossible when the people around you are pulling you to the other path, telling you not to trust yourself. […]

What I Wish For You

What I wish for you is this: That you never feel the depths of the loneliness that you feel now. Because the loneliness you feel sitting next to someone who no longer cares for you is infinitely more painful than the loneliness of being on your own, knowing you had the courage to do hard […]

Disney Movies and Abusive Relationships

I want to talk today about how our upbringing (and Disney movies) helped teach us to be okay with abusive relationships. I’ll walk through a scenario with you, and then in the second half I’m going to talk about the different types of abuse a relationship may encounter and what you should and shouldn’t put […]

Screenshots that Saved Me

Breathe darling. This is just a chapter. It’s not your whole story. S.C. Lourie When I remember of the darkest points in my marriage, I think of laying in bed, by myself, in the dark, with my phone in hand, tears drying after an uncontrollable cry over something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.  […]