The Cycle of Abuse

What is the cycle of abuse? The Cycle of Abuse is a helpful tool to identify abuse and when it might happen. There are 4 stages to the cycle of abuse that are pretty easily identified in any abusive relationship, whether the abuser is a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or a coworker. […]

Boundaries & Co-Parenting

I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out what my boundaries are with my ex. I have two young children who spend half their time with me and half their time with a father that holds many values and beliefs that go against every fiber of who I am as a parent. And yet…I need […]

My Last Relationship

Life was tampered down when I was with my ex-husband. From the food I ate, the drinks I chose, the movies I watched, the leaps of faith I took, the exercise routines I chose, the people I spent time with…. So much of what I wanted deep down was either criticized or not allowed. And […]

The Daunting Obstacles

Here are the main fears I’ve heard from people who are considering leaving their marriage: How do I possibly spend time away from my children? Where will I live? How will I afford everything? How can I be alone/will I find someone else? Fears like this weigh down on you like heavy mountains.  And that’s […]