Courage on Bumpy Roads

I’m lucky because I consider my mom my best friend. She taught me to  be the strong, independent person I am, and has always helped me be courageous in times when I was shakey. 

My mom has a giant heart, makes amazing apple pie, and adores animals.

She’s also a pro at finding the best deals at garage sales. I channeled that thriftiness when I left my marriage. It helped me survive when I was financially struggling. 

Before moving out, my mom and I were at a garage sale. 

We were browsing for items for the house I had put an offer in, was closing on, and was moving into in a few weeks. At this point, my ex didn’t know what was going on. All of this was happening in secret. 

We found some cute pillows, decorative mirrors….we were looking for things to make that house a home when I moved into it with my boys.

As we were wandering, she came across a little decorative sign that I still keep on my window sill above my sink: 

The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.

I smiled, a bit rebelliously.

I had to have it. 

Two years later it still sits in my home as a reminder. 

It reminds me that I had the courage when I thought I couldn’t possibly. 

It reminds me even now to watch out for things in my life that I don’t want. Because the only way we can build a life that we want, is to have the courage to remove the things we don’t want. 

I don’t want to minimize this.

It takes massive courage to get rid of something you’ve grown to love. Something you’ve become comfortable with. Something normal for your children. 

My mom compared it to the ruts that tire tracks make on a dirt road. It’s easy to follow those tracks. Your tires fit nicely inside them, carrying you along the road.

But what if it’s a road you don’t want to be on?

You have to get out.

It may be hard and uncomfortable to get out of those ruts, a bit jarring and even downright scary. But that other road that you’re moving toward? 

That road is breathtaking

It stretches out for miles, unfolding as you dream up what you want to see.

It has a glowing sunrise, warm music playing, and is filled with nothing but smiles and excitement.

What do you wish was different about the road you’re on? 

What do you wish you could get rid of? 

What would you dream up if you were starting from scratch?

It takes courage to get there.  

It takes courage to call out something wrong when you know you’ll be criticized for it.

But I promise you’ve got that courage in you.

It may take a while to find it.

But courage is there inside of you. 




And one day a massive wave of courage will take hold of your entire body and you’ll have no choice but to use it. To turn off the well-worn path you’ve been on, down the ditch, across rugged terrain, through a few puddles…

And eventually, you’ll find that new path.

You’ll bring along the people that you love.

And your new view, stretched out in front of you with endless possibilities, will breathe life into your soul. 

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